Ticket sales for the Best open-air theatre started on May 18 – order your tickets here.

Motivational speaker

Let’s go for it!

Jaap Bressers is an inspiring motivational speaker who gets his audiences to take a positive perspective on challenges and possibilities. A talk by Jaap will make you experience that everyone, irrespective of background and circumstances, can make a difference in their own way.

In 2005, Jaap suffered a spinal cord injury after a dive in the ocean. It left him almost completely paralyzed and saw him end up in a wheelchair. And yet, Jaap wouldn’t trade places with anyone. We all have setbacks and challenges in our lives. Both at work and at home. The way we deal with them is what determines our quality of life.

Challenges and opportunities

Is it just an obstacle or might it also be an opportunity? An opportunity for something new? If today is your baseline, where do you want to be tomorrow, and beyond that? Precisely at the point where Jaap decided to take his challenge seriously and started exploring his possibilities, something changed in his life and he became whole again.

Today, Jaap is one of the Netherlands’ most sought-after motivational speakers and his story has struck a chord with millions worldwide. Are there specific challenges at your company or in your life? Jaap will gladly help you pivot to turn them into successes. When you hire Jaap as a motivational speaker, you will get an inspirational and humor-filled talk that will move and entertain people. A story that will truly stick with you and that everyone can engage with.

“The talk by motivational speaker Jaap Bressers was a special close to our business partner event. Jaap has a powerful message about seeing opportunities that is relevant both in business and in people’s private lives. We were so inspired by it!”

“Most of the boundaries were in my head”
"Most of the boundaries were in my head"

Would you also like to hire Jaap as a speaker to motivate and give the organization a boost to fully commit to it? Get the most out of the presentation with an additional interactive workshop or master class.

All this got you excited or curious?